Learn how to start the kind of podcast that gets people talking.
You've been hearing about podcasts for ages, and you're worried about how to get it off the ground. Equipment, editing, submitting to places like Apple and trying to figure out how to talk into a mic without tripping over your words all seems a bit daunting.
You want to reach more people, share your story, make a difference in the world and have more impact, but you're not sure how to do it.
It feels like you have so much to say, but it usually feels like you're screaming into the black hole of social media without anyone even noticing.
You want to connect with people on a deeper, more meaningful level and build incredible relationships, even though you don't know how to get there.
You want to use a podcast to grow your business and increase your online visibility, and you're overwhelmed at knowing where to begin.
The good news is that your voice can have a massive impact beyond anything you can imagine, and there are people out there who need to hear your message.
Hi! I'm Emily Gough
I'm the host and founder of the Room to Grow Podcast, which started on a whim in my Google docs with a handful of ideas, and after 150+ episodes has grown into a listening experience that is consistently featured in the top 200 worldwide in its' category.
I started my first podcast Fit & Nourished Mind with a co-host in November 2017. We aired nearly 50 episodes before realizing our businesses were going in different directions, and I launched the Room to Grow Podcast as a solo show the day our joint podcast ended.
The incredible connections & relationships that have been formed as a direct result of using my voice in the podcasting space hooked me, and I began to recognize the immense power of the podcasting platform to bring people together and share your message.
It's because of this that I pivoted into podcasting & business coaching a year ago.
I realized that nothing else lit me up or made me as passionate as teaching entrepreneurs how to leverage their voice in the online space, and to launch and grow successful podcasts while building their businesses, all by leading with their hearts and taking plenty of imperfect action.
Imagine having people reach out to you letting you know that you changed their life in some way, getting messages from strangers explaining how much an episodes touched them or that they felt pulled to share it with a friend or loved one, or being approached to be asked how people can work with you, without you ever even asking for the sale.
This is what podcasting has done for me and for my business.
I've heard from so many people that they want more than just a basic launch checklist and technical tutorials.
They need assistance connecting with people on a deeper level, sharing their stories in a meaningful way, growing their businesses around a podcast and building trust and fostering connection to create the kind of impact that they've always hoped to achieve.
Podcasting for Impact offers the technical support, marketing plan to launch and promote your podcast, and strategies to increase your visibility, grow your brand and business, and increase revenue.
I'm offering a select number of 1:1 VIP coaching spots because I know that sometimes you're going to need more direction, insight and personal attention from someone who understands your business.
I want you to be able to learn from my many failures, mistakes and flops so that you can spend more time and energy putting your message out into the world instead, because we need more of you, your story and your message.
Sign me up!
I'm ready to speak up, share my message and have a positive impact
Podcasts are just getting started.
While podcasting might be *hot* right now, they're far from being a fad.
There are over 50 million YouTube channels and more than 400 million blogs, yet only around 800,000 podcasts right now, thought that number is climbing daily.
80% of people recently polled listen to all of most of a podcast episode, which is a lot more than we can say for most videos, and podcasts are easy to consume on the go while driving, commuting, walking, or doing chores.
Most importantly, podcast build enormous trust with your audience.
No matter your niche or area of expertise, there are people who NEED to hear what you have to say. Think about this: you're being given the opportunity to speak straight into someone's ear and use the power of connection to capture their attention. It's the best solution beyond being in-person.
The problem is, you have no idea where to begin.
You know that you're not having the kind of impact you signed up to have in the world and you're left wondering what to do differently.
Most people are doing it wrong. They're starting podcasts without a plan or a strategy in place and it quickly becomes a time-consuming hobby, or worse yet, cast aside and abandoned entirely.
You're looking for something more. Podcasting has been in the back of your mind for ages, but you've gotten stuck along the way and you feel left behind.
The industry is rapidly growing, it feels like everyone is jumping on the so-called podcasting bandwagon, and you're wondering how these people are managing to not only see all kinds of success from their podcast, but to grow their impact, reach and businesses at the same time.
It's not about the numbers. It's about impact.
You want to feel like you're actually making a difference to even ONE person's life.
You want to be able to approach industry leaders with confidence about connecting with them and bringing them on your podcast, because your podcast and your energy is contagious and your message is important.
You want to feel confident in your abilities, and grow your visibility and business at the same time.
You want to have clarity and a strategy in place that allows you to take your podcast to the next level.
This is where Podcasting for Impact comes in.
What's Included - Podcasting for Impact Course
All the tools you need to take you from an idea in your head to launching and growing your podcast, brand and business. Plus, weekly Q & A calls with Emily for 8 weeks!
6 modules with videos that will walk you through the step by step process to getting your podcast out into the world.
Tutorials & trainings on fostering connections with listeners & guests, promotion & increasing visibility on you and your podcast and ways to collaborate with others.
How to build and grow your personal brand around your podcast, strategies to monetize, and ways to take your business to the next level.
The power of sharing very personal stories for greater impact & connection, as well as managing & protecting your energy.
What's Included - VIP 1:1 Coaching Option
Full access to the entire course, plus one-on-one time with Emily to help you get your powerful message out into the world and start showing up instead of hiding behind your computer screen.
Four 45 minute 1:1 calls with Emily over 8 weeks from time of enrolment.
Weekly Zoom Q & A calls to address any questions as they come up and keep you on track.
Personalized attention, accountability & coaching around strategically building your business and how to use the podcast to maximize your impact.
Learn how to launch & grow your podcast
You've had the idea for months. Are you ready to finally jump in?
Don't take my word for it...

Emily is Your Best Shot

A wealth of knowledge
Worth Every Penny!

Full of knowledge, and more importantly, full of heart

A No Brainer for Any Budding Podcast Host
Course curriculum
Module 1: Welcome! Let's Get Started
1.1 - Welcome to the Course!
1.2 - What You Need to Know About Podcasting
1.3 - Common Roadblocks, Impact & Finding Your Why
Module 2: Map It Out
2.1 - What's Your Podcast About?
2.2 - Set A Launch Date
2.3 - How to Name Your Podcast
2.4 - Cover Artwork
2.5 - Getting Organized
2.6 - Episode Ideas, Structure, & the Power of Stories
2.7 - Intro, Outtro & Calls to Action
2.8 - Hosting with a Co-Host & Solo vs. Guest Episodes
2.9 - Secret Tips on Becoming a Badass Podcaster
Module 3: Bringing Your Podcast to Life
3.1 - How to Record an Episode: Solo & Guest Interview Options
3.2 - Setting Up Libsyn & Stats
3.3 - How to Edit in GarageBand
3.4 - Show Notes
3.5 - Time-Saving Techniques, Intro Episode & How Many to Launch
Module 4: Launching to the World!
4.1 - It's Launch Week!
4.2 - One Week Prior: Submitting to Apple Podcasts & Others
4.3 - Building Hype
4.4 - Celebrate!
4.5 - Post-Launch Blues
Module 5: Promotion, Building Relationships & Media Opportunities
5.1 - Relationships Will Make or Break Your Success
5.2 - Protect Your Brand & Building Trust
5.3 - How to Connect with Potential Guests
5.4 - Guest Interviews: Before, During & After Recording
5.5 - Getting More Eyes & Ears on Your Podcast
5.6 - Booking Media Appearances
5.7 - Vulnerability & Sharing Personal Stories: Protecting Your Energy
Module 6: Monetizing & Business Strategy
6.1 - An Introduction to Monetizing
6.2 - Email Marketing
6.3 - Building a Business Around Your Podcast
6.4 - Affiliate Marketing
What if I already have a podcast? Is this course right for me?
The short answer? YES! The technical side of launching a podcast is only one aspect of the course. It goes deep into how to build and leverage relationships, strengthen your brand and online presence, bringing more visibility to you and your podcast and various ways to monetize. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send me an email at [email protected] and I'm happy to chat with you directly to see if it's going to be a good fit.
Will you teach how to book & interview guests?
Absolutely! This is an extensive part of the course, and it walks you through everything from determining potential guests that might be a good fit and how to reach out, to the exact process I use to onboard a guest, prep beforehand, and how to handle the actual interview. Plus, you'll learn how to foster connection and friendships with your guests and give them an incredible experience with you and your show.
If I go with the VIP option, do I have to use the 1:1 calls right away?
Yes, the calls are available to book for 8 weeks upon date of enrolment. If you aren't quite ready to dive in and use them, it might not be the right time to purchase.
What if I don't have a website or a business yet?
It's ideal if you have a website but not a requirement, I show you in the course how to post things like show notes without a website. Even if you're in the very beginning stages of your business, you can take full advantage of this course and use the strategies I teach to build upon and lay the strong foundation you'll want in place as you continue to grow. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send me an email at [email protected] and I'm happy to chat with you directly to see if it's going to be a good fit.
How much access do I have to you?
If you purchase the DIY option, you can dive into the course on your own at any time and you'll be going through the course at your own pace. Plus, you’ll be included in the private Facebook group and be able to ask questions for the 8 weeks of weekly Q&A sessions that Emily will answer, as well as meeting others in the community! If you go with the VIP 1:1 option, you and I will jump on the phone for four - 45 minute calls over the next 8 weeks from date of enrolment, plus the FB group and weekly Q&A sessions that will address any issues coming up for you.
What if I don't use my calls in the 8 weeks?
Out of respect for my schedule as well as for yours, there will be no extension available on booking the calls outside of the 8 week time frame from date of enrolment. This is also going to push you to launch your podcast right away and light a fire under you!
When do we start?
You can get started as soon as you buy! The modules are dripped out weekly to keep you on track so that you don't get overwhelmed. You’ll also get info emailed to you about how to join the private FB group and the 8 weeks of weekly Q&A sessions will begin the week of February 3rd, 2020. If you decide to go with the VIP 1:1 coaching option, you'll receive an email right away detailing how to go about booking your calls over the next 8 weeks as well.
How long do I have access to the course?
You will have lifetime access to the course.
You have things to say that could change someone's life. Aren't you tired of not being heard?
Here's what you need to know about working with me and what this course will teach you:
I'm all about real, genuine connection with other human beings and building relationships and helping others create the same for themselves.
Putting all the focus on the numbers, whether that's downloads, dollars or Instagram followers is bullsh*t.
Your voice can have a massive impact beyond your wildest dreams - if you let it.
Grit, determination and messy action is how you build the podcast & business you're dreaming about, not by letting fear stop you in your tracks.
Everyone has a unique set of stories and experiences that someone else would benefit from learning.
Showing up as yourself and letting people see your imperfections is what will set you apart in a noisy online space.
Are you ready yet?
Pricing Options
If you're ready to rock on your own, DIY is for you. If you want access to the customization, personal attention, accountability and private calls, VIP 1:1 is the best fit.
Regular price
4 x $197.00
DIY Monthly Installments
4 x $387.00
VIP 4-Month Payment Plan
2 x $797.00
VIP Monthly Installments
2 x $377.00
DIY Monthly Installments
VIP 1:1 Coaching